Christmas Eve
The Christmas Eve tradition we have in my family is to act out the Christmas story. This tradition started with me and my brothers acting it out as kids, and now we have the grandkids act it out. After dinner (mini pizzas cut out like Christmas trees that they could decorate), we turned on Skype (s0 grandma and granda Morgan could participate this year) and had the kids act it out for them. Here they are saying hi to grandma and papa! (I love this picture!)
Anyone who knows Ben knows that he is super active all of the time. He is always jumping, hopping, and running everywhere! Before we started the program, I looked back and saw Ben holding baby Jesus in the manger. He took his part as shepherd very seriously.
Adam and Ari were the wisemen, Noah was Joseph, Isabel was Mary, Sam and Ben were shepherds, and Sarah and Nara were angels. (they kept crawling and running out of the pictures!) I wrote a program that had all primary songs in it. We made the kids a jingle bell bracelet and they shook them for the song Christmas Bells are Ringing. The kids sang really well!
We added a shepherd (Ben) to this picture!
And this is the best picture I got with all the kids in it! It's not the best manger scene, but we had limited work area so mom and dad could see it! I love this tradition!
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