1. Ben got a paper cut on his finger, and I told him he could go get a Toy Story bandaid to put on it to make it feel better. I went to check on him a few seconds later, and he showed me is finger. There was purple liquid stuff on his cut. He then showed me a bottle of liquid childrens tylenol that he had poured on his cut. He said, "see mom, it feels better now!" Then he started to cry cause it started stinging. Funny, until I realized that he got the child proof lid off......
2. Grandma Tracie is in the process of getting her kitchen redone. Last Monday she had her granite counter tops delivered, and they also put in her new sink. Ben would walk up to the counter and rub it and say, "Oh Nama, I love your new counter..... I love your new sink! love your paint!" Every time he would walk by it! (Remember my kids love food and the kitchen, so he probably said it a lot!) Tracie said that it was super cute!
3. Another thing that he loves are his Spiderman and Hulk boxers. I was folding laundry right out of the dryer and Ben walked up. He looked in the dryer and saw is Hulk boxers, grabbed them and started rubbing them up and down his cheek. While doing it he said, "Oh mom! You washed them! They are my favorites!" He does this any time I wash any of his clothes. It just struck me as funny, seeing how it was underwear. (And yes, I do tons of laundry, so it wasn't like he was deprived of having those boxers for any long period of time!) :)
4. He LOVES the Wii game Just Dance for Kids. Tamina has one at her house, so we go there to play. It's the first thing that Ben asks to do if we go over to her house. Little kids dancing is awesome. Funny stuff! It's a whole lot of head bobbing and body shaking. I recorded it on my phone, so if possible, I will transfer it over here.
5. At nursery a month or so ago, they had a lesson on keeping their bodies clean. Sist
Well, I have tons of stories of this kid. Granted he has his moments of tantrums, not sleeping through the night, and just being a boy, but he sure is funny. He really is sweet, most of the time! (Especially since we are done potty training!) One fun game that we play is he will tell me that he loves me, I will say "I love you too!" Then he will say, "I love you three"..and we keep counting! Isabel usually chimes in with, "I love you twenty one hundred and four zero! (or some random combination of numbers!) I love it though! Being a mom is great!
Ben is such a cutie! Happy Mother's Day Kim!
Too funny! I've got b-day gifts for both your kids. That's great Isabel is riding without training wheels. Can't believe she'll be in school next year.
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