Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5lb hand Turkeys

Well, it's Thanksgiving time and the weather has been kind-of blahh so that leaves me and the kids inside for most of the days. Here is what we decided to do for the grandparents this year for Thanksgiving. Personalized hand turkeys. (Ignore Isabel's hair in this one, I did it right after the picture ;))
I got black beans, nerds, elbow macaroni, spaghetti, colored rotini, fruity & chocolate cheerios and elmers glue. The kids got their own glue and went to town.
Here are Isabel's turkeys. She cut them in half and one is now proudly hanging in grandma Tracie's front room window so everyone can see it. (Only about 1/2 bottle of glue, I had to put them on cooling racks to dry so they wouldn't be glued to the table!)

And here are Ben's turkeys. He gave the one on the right to grandma Tracie, cause he wanted to hang the bean one on our fridge. It is currently being held up by 5 magnets :) He used the spaghetti noodles to poke the turkey all over....what a kid....

I had to make one too. You know, to show the kids what to do :) Actually I like doing little things like this! Mine is hanging on the fridge too, the kids insisted!

So, we gave grandma Tracie hers, and when we skyped grandma and grandpa morgan on sunday we showed them the others. (No way we are mailing those suckers, they weigh at least 5 lbs :) jk) Fun times for all!

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