I realized that I have almost no pictures of any relatives on Brady's side of the family since we only get together at funerals and on New Years, so I decided that this year at the annual Japanese New Year party I would take pictures! Every year we get together with Steve and his brothers and their kids to eat yummy food and talk. Above is Uncle Nick helping Zoey an Ben eat :)

Here is Isabel waiting for the food to be ready. So cute in a new Christmas outfit. (She told me that all she wanted for Christmas was blue stretchy pants that weren't jeans! Guess I did pretty good)

Here are the kids, and Nick, racing cars across the front room, waiting for the food to be ready.

Here is everyone watching the kids race cars! (Janet, Jenny, Samantha, Matt, Corey's girlfriend and her son, and my kids with Nick on the stairs)

Here is Zoey playing with the fisher price nativity! All kids love that thing!

Krystle and Kandi in the kitchen finishing the cooking. (frying tempura veggies & spring rolls)

A sampling of some of the food. (sushi, footballs, shrimp, spring rolls, broccoli beef, sweet & sour short ribs (Chizuko's specialty) spring rolls, rice, tempura shrimp, sweet potatoes, potatoes, teriyaki chicken, etc)

Cute picture of Chizuko talking with Jenny (Brady's cousin).

Steve and his brother Dave. Believe it or not, he is smiling :)

Tracie getting the salad dressing out for the won ton salad. (I think I lost my favorite daughter-in-law spot when I took this picture!)

Jenny and her husband Matt. Aunt Janet is siting by the wall and Ben (from across the street) is standing in the corner. He is the one who loves my Ben and fishing. When Ben was born, he made sure to get him an outfit that had a little bear fishing on it. It was so cute!

Here are Mas and Chizuko. Chizuko likes to go and talk to everyone, but this is Mas' favorite spot, on the couch. He seems to have a touch of alzheimers lately. Poor Chizuko She has some funny stories about him now, but you can tell it is hard on her.

Nick and Corey. Corey brought his girlfriend and her son. Luckily Corey got out his camera and started taking pictures, so it wasn't just me!

Here is Judy (from across the street) talking with Brady. Janet (Dave's wife) is sitting on the bench with Brady. And below are Greg and Ben Keifer (from across the street).

There was TONS of food. To keep with ancient Japanese tradition there was enough food for everyone to take some home :) We all had a good time. It's good to be with family!