Grandma and Grandpa Morgan have been sending lots of packages home from the Philippines, so the kids like to take advantage of the boxes that are sent here :)
Ben LOVES to help me cook. Here he is after he helped me with the flour! He likes to help with other things too. If you look behind him at the hardware on the cabinets, the top one is broken in half. Ben came and got me (the week after Grandma and Grandpa Morgan left on their mission) and said,'come here quick mom! I want to show you something!" I went to look, and he had a plastic food storage lid lifter and he was putting it through the handles and 'popping' them. "See mom, I fix them really easy!" Isn't he a good helper. When we told Grandma and Grandpa, they just laughed and said what a good helper he was. (What else could they do/say, being in the Philippines??? ) Just as an update, the hardware is fixed for reals now :)
We went to Krispy Kremes one morning for joy school. Ben couldn't resist and had to have a doughnut, even though he knew it had eggs in it. He told me it would be worth itching to eat it :)
Ben and Isabel both had their birthdays, and as soon as Ben turned 4, Isabel told him he need to be able to climb trees. So, she boosted him a little, and what do you know? He can climb trees now that he is 4 :) She cracks me up with the ages that she has in her mind of when things are supposed to happen...
I found an idea on pinterest for a toy jail. It worked OK, not exceptionally well though, so I decided that I would just put the kids in jail instead :) jk I made the toy jail, and Ben wanted a big cage for him!
Ben will die when he gets older and realizes I have this picture on here. He really wanted to ride his bike one day, and the rule is you have to have closed toe shoes on to ride. Ben was too lazy to go find his shoes, so he just put on Isabel's shoes :) Being the good mom that I am, I told him he looked like a girl, he looked at me and said, " no I don't! I look like a boy wearing girl shoes!" So true, so true little man....
At joy school we made cool turkey hats. These are that hats that I made when Isabel was doing joy school. The same ones that Isabel had to make for Grandpa Morgan for Christmas 2 years ago :) Ben did the gluing all by himself, hence the 2 beaks!
My friend Michelle had a baby recently (an adorable little girl named Leah), and I decided that since she had decided to have her baby au natural, she needed a survival kit! I combined a few ideas, and this is what I came up with :) I think it turned out cute. Now I just need to have more friends/sisters-in-law to have more babies, so I can make more :)
Isabel and Ari are still really good friends. On this occasion, they decided that they needed to put every single hair bow/flower into their hair. Aren't they beautiful?

We have had a few issues lately with arguing and tattling, so after researching (looking at tons of peoples blogs...) I decided on this idea. The kids each have 6 coins of thier favorite characters. They loose coins for doing things they aren't supposed to do. Unless the lose all 6, they have the option to earn coins back. Mom just has to find them doing something good for someone else without asking them to. If they loose all 6 coins, they get a privelege taken away, if they have all 6 coins still at night, they get a sticker. After 10 stickers, they get a prize. So far, it is working well. All I have to do is mention that they may lose a coin, and they fix what they were doing pretty fast. So far, Ben has earned a frisby (it only took 15 days....) and Isabel earned a princess puzzle. (12 days). It helps me too, cause i'm not always punishing myself by taking their bikes away....

Isabel is really into long long dresses that touch the floor. Here is the one Grandma Tracie got Isabel for her birthday. She would wear it every day if she could!
Jen and Chris had their baby! He is so cute! His name is Zachary Rowan Morgan and he weighed 9lbs and was 20.5" long (if I remember right... he is 3 months old now) He has tons of red hair. He is such a happy boy. He has started smiling and cooing lately, and seems to be a very happy baby! We are happy to have another boy in the family! He reminds me tons of Ben..... with how fast and big he is growing :) He's got to get bigger is he is going to live up to the nickname Thor! :)